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    GFXtra Site Rules // Last Update : 29/04/07


    Number of posts : 151
    Age : 34
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2007-04-28

    Gaming Character
    Game: Maple Story
    Character Name: Wonkerz
    Character Class: Warrior

    GFXtra Site Rules // Last Update : 29/04/07 Empty GFXtra Site Rules // Last Update : 29/04/07

    Post by Chronos Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:54 am

    These are the rules of the forums/site that the members must abide by. Failure to do this will result in banning.

    1. No cheap posting/spam
    If you are to post, make sure it is related to the topic of the thread which you are viewing, we will warn you if you make useless posts such as "lolol" and "hi" or any other thing which is unrelated to the topic at hand.

    2. No double posting
    Please use the edit button if you made a mistake while posting. Do not post consecutively, as this becomes an annoyance. Remember to edit the posts which you made by mistake.

    3. No pornography/profanity
    To protect the younger members of this site, any reference to sexual things or profanity is strictly prohibited.

    4. No discriminatory/non-English posts
    Since this is an English-speaking forum, members are not allowed to post any non-English topics/threads as this would prove to be discriminatory.

    5. No disrespectful/chaotic posts
    We want this website to be a peace-loving environment where people can advance in their graphic skills. So in order to do that, members are not allowed to disrespect any staff member or any members for that matter. Also, do not argue and start chaos in the forums of you will be banned.

    6. Read through the sections thoroughly
    If a topic has already been made, do not create a new topic with the same subject as the existent thread. This rule applies to posts too.

    7. No advertising
    Members are NOT allowed to advertise on this site. You may include a link to your site in your signature, or post links to contribute to a certain topic.

    8. Always credit your work
    When posting someone else's artwork, files, games, etc, you must properly give due credit to the provider of these.

    9. Have one account
    Members are only allowed one account per person no matter how many groups, clans, etc you belong to.

    10. Always use the PM service
    When you want to contact a certain member, don't make a whole topic about it like "Hey **** member, how have you been?" just use the PM [Private Messaging] service, as making threads like the example above could be counted as spam.

    11. Respect the staff members/moderators
    If the staff members have warned you about spamming or breaking any of the rules, do NOT fight or disagree with them, once they report to the administration, i will deal with you accordingly.

    12. Follow all rules stated above.

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:12 pm