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2 posters


    Vincent, Chaos' Possessor
    Vincent, Chaos' Possessor

    Number of posts : 29
    Registration date : 2007-04-29

    Gaming Character
    Game: AdventureQuest
    Character Name: Yoni the Kitten Master
    Character Class: Warrior

    Arena Empty Arena

    Post by Vincent, Chaos' Possessor Fri May 11, 2007 5:57 pm

    Arenamaster: Vincent, Chaos' Possessor
    Arenaguard 1:
    Arenaguard 2:

    This game idea was originally by Crashman! Yes, Crashman! Crashman is the crash man!!! Crashman!!! >_>

    -Everyone that posts here is a target for anything. All players start off with 1000 HP (maximum), 5 Potions (maximum), and infinite resurrection potions. You can only resurrect other players, and potions completly heal your health. You can make alliances with people (maximum alliance of 3 other people), give them potions, betray them, and do other things.

    -For attacking, you can do however many damage you want to them, but the more damage you do, the more turns you have to wait for other people's attacks. You can also name it and get a little creative with your attack. You can only make 3 Acts for your turn.

    0-100 Damage: You must wait for 1 person's turn before making another turn.
    101-200 Damage: You must wait for 2 people's turns before making another turn.
    201-300 Damage: You must wait for 4 people's turns before making another turn.
    301-400 Damage: You must wait for 6 people's turns before making another turn.
    401-500 Damage: You must wait for 8 people's turns before making another turn.
    501-600 Damage: This is Self-Destruct. You kill yourself to hurt another

    Basically, you should follow these damage rules, but if you are going to do things that are more complicated with damage, then some of it can be changed.

    -Now, for the rest of your turn, you can do other things, such as request an alliance (all of these waste one Act each), make sheilds, give potions to other people, resurrrect someone (you should resurrect your enemy, just for more fun to kill again), add some poison effects to your attack, blind someone for a few turns, and whatever else comes to mind when it is your turn. Please, please, please make it balanced. Don't make a sheild that protects you from all damage for 50 turns, or turn yourself into some kind of demon form that can do as much damage as they want without waiting for other people.

    -You can make multiple attacks on multiple people, but then you have to wait that extra amount of turns.

    -If you plan to be inactive (for some time), post here (as a turn), so people will know not to attack you. All damage done to you while inactive will be reduced to 0.

    -Please remember to post your status, then show everyone your commands, then post your status after that. Like this:

    HP: 740
    Potions: 4
    Alliances: None
    Effects: Poisoned (20 damage each time I make a turn for 3 of my turns)

    Act 1: Fireball
    Does 80 damage to [Other Player]

    Act 2: Rest
    I can't use a third command this turn, but next turn I can use an extra command next time.

    HP: 720
    Potions: 4
    Alliances: None
    Effects: Poisoned (20 damage each time I make a turn for 3 of my turns, 2 turns passed)

    Originally a big hit in G4F. PM me your 2 votes for an Arenaguard.
    Contest Staff
    Contest Staff

    Number of posts : 35
    Age : 29
    Registration date : 2007-04-29

    Arena Empty Re: Arena

    Post by FuroxZX Wed May 23, 2007 7:28 am

    Can we start playing? LoL
    Coz we can only vote if someoe voluteers to be an Arena Guard.
    If Arena guards get to play, too. Then I volunteer. Razz
    Vincent, Chaos' Possessor
    Vincent, Chaos' Possessor

    Number of posts : 29
    Registration date : 2007-04-29

    Gaming Character
    Game: AdventureQuest
    Character Name: Yoni the Kitten Master
    Character Class: Warrior

    Arena Empty Re: Arena

    Post by Vincent, Chaos' Possessor Fri May 25, 2007 4:23 am

    Yeah, AG's can play.
    You can vote for anyone, but anyone can turn down the offer IF he's voted.

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    Arena Empty Re: Arena

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