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2 posters

    ~~~Belgariad RP~~~

    Not so New
    Not so New

    Number of posts : 17
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2007-05-31

    Gaming Character
    Game: Maple Story
    Character Name: ChaosofRuin
    Character Class: Warrior

    ~~~Belgariad RP~~~ Empty ~~~Belgariad RP~~~

    Post by ChaosofRuin Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:00 am

    ~~~~~Belgariad RP~~~~~

    About: This RP is about a series called the Belgariad written by David and Leigh Eddings. After this RP is over I will be making 5 more RPs based on their books.

    Belgariad is copy righted to David and Leigh Eddings and I do NOT take credit for most of the things in this RP because it is from the series, The Belgariad.
    What is the Belgariad?
    It is a amazing series of five books where the main character, Garion goes to fullfill a prophecy to kill the God King Torak.

    How will I be going with this RP?
    All characters will either be directly or in-directly connected with Garion and his party.

    Is there a sequel to this RP?
    Yes, as stated above I will make 5 more RPs based on David and Leigh Eddings' books, but the Belgariad has only one sequel, The Mallorean.

    Does this RP have a lot of classes?
    Yes, because there is atleast 7 major races with about 3 of them having sub races, there is classes unique to all of them.

    [More coming soon]
    There are atleast 7 major races with atleast 3 of them having sub races.
    Race- Alorn
    Sub race-Cherek
    ~Berzerker (wields 2 swords, 2 axes, 2 maces, or a Berzerker Sword)
    ~Swordsman (wields sword and shield, or Great Sword)
    Sub race-Drasnia
    ~Spy (wields 2 daggers or 1 dagger and wrist guard, has 8-16 throwing daggers in various hiding places.)
    ~Pikeman (wields Spear, Pike, or Halberd)
    Sub race-Algar
    ~Horseman (wields saber and lance, must go through a test to bond with a horse[will be given multiple tries])
    ~Shadar (Horse Lord) (Algar is one of the races with a advanced class, it will be given through random levels (around 30-50) through a special quest, if failed, you can not attempt at it again) (wields saber and lance, has special bond with horse, able to communicate with horses)
    Sub race-Riva
    ~Grey Cloak (wields sword and shield, or Claymore)
    Race- Arendia
    Sub race- Vo Astur
    ~Longbow (wields Long bow and a short sword)
    Sub race- Vo Mimbre
    ~Knight (wields sword and shield or Bastard Sword, always has lance and shield for charging)
    Race- Tolnedra
    ~Legionnaire (wields sword and shield and spear, has team work bonus[experience through phalanx])
    Race- Ulgo
    (Can only be played when starting over from a character that was atleast lvl 30)
    ~Diviner (wields 2 ulgo daggers or 1 ulgo dagger, can go through SOLID STONE WALLS, also can detect caves, more of a chance to miss when fighting in sun light)
    Race- Sendaria [[[[NEW]]]]
    ~Sendarian Infantry (wields any think including pitch forks and short bows, with the exception of specialized weapons, such as Claymore, Ulgo Dagger, Throwing Dagger, Longbow, etc. For Hardcore players who don't mind dying as much.)
    Race- Marag
    (Non Playable as they are thought to be extinct)
    Race- Vale
    (Non Playable, these are the most powerful sorcerers in the world...be glad they are on your side, do no piss off Belgarath or Polgara..they bite :3)

    When dead, you can either ressurect your self for your level multiplied by 50 gold, or I can "rez" you for free on random occasions!
    You can also START OVER for free! But you lose everything, but you can choose a new class, and you start at lvl 10 with 500 gold instead of lvl 1 and 0 gold Very Happy.
    [[[[NEW]]]]I must be ok with the START OVER option first, to start over you must have had been at least level 5 (the level might change if players abuse this, don't make that happen.)
    Also you can also change if you don't have enough money and I won't let you "rez" though I rarely won't let you "rez."

    More will be added later on but you can all start now.
    PM me your class and name and I will post your stats.




    Added skills, first to play gets 2 new skills depending on class~~adding skill section/FAQ soon.
    New Race added, look in Race/Class section
    Death is tweaked a bit.
    Three races are now unknown.

    Last edited by on Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 151
    Age : 34
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2007-04-28

    Gaming Character
    Game: Maple Story
    Character Name: Wonkerz
    Character Class: Warrior

    ~~~Belgariad RP~~~ Empty Re: ~~~Belgariad RP~~~

    Post by Chronos Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:46 am

    If you want, i can add the races in this game to the "Gaming Character" feature, maybe i'll rename it so that if people start playing this game, their information can easily be shown. Of course, this is only if you want me to add it.
    Not so New
    Not so New

    Number of posts : 17
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2007-05-31

    Gaming Character
    Game: Maple Story
    Character Name: ChaosofRuin
    Character Class: Warrior

    ~~~Belgariad RP~~~ Empty Re: ~~~Belgariad RP~~~

    Post by ChaosofRuin Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:28 pm

    Sure, lets just see what happens and if it gets popular, keep it, if it doesn't remove it Surprised
    Sure hope it gets popular tho
    Not so New
    Not so New

    Number of posts : 17
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2007-05-31

    Gaming Character
    Game: Maple Story
    Character Name: ChaosofRuin
    Character Class: Warrior

    ~~~Belgariad RP~~~ Empty Re: ~~~Belgariad RP~~~

    Post by ChaosofRuin Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:58 pm

    check the bottom of the rules for updates

    Also if you don't want to play because you have never read the books, you don't have to had read the books to understand the RP...
    Not so New
    Not so New

    Number of posts : 17
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2007-05-31

    Gaming Character
    Game: Maple Story
    Character Name: ChaosofRuin
    Character Class: Warrior

    ~~~Belgariad RP~~~ Empty Re: ~~~Belgariad RP~~~

    Post by ChaosofRuin Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:20 am


    Current Skills Available.


    ~Charge 2 WP
    ~Bash 1 WP
    ~Throw 2 WP

    **To be Updated later**

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